EECS 762
Programming Language Foundation I
Homework 3
- Show how to formulate the evaluation rules for λ-terms in
big-step style. (Pierce 5.3.8)
- The λ→ with no base types is degenerate, in the sense
that it has no well-typed terms at all. Why? (Pierce 9.2.1)
- Is there any context Γ of type T such that Γ⊢x x:T? If so, provide Γ and T and show the typing
derivation. If not, prove it. (Pierce 9.2.2, tricky)
- Do t→t′ and Γ⊢t′:T imply Γ⊢t:T? (Pierce 9.3.10)
- Give typing and evaluation rules for wildcard abstractions and
prove they can be derived from the derived form from class.